HuffPost — Dr. Markus Giesler | Consumer Researcher — Blog

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Tesla's Chief Driver of Success: Masculinity

Tesla's Chief Driver of Success: Masculinity

Sensible man-of-action heroism as an experience.

Is there a Science Behind Reality Distortion Fields?

Is there a Science Behind Reality Distortion Fields?

Leveraging the sociology of expectations.

What's Inside a Tesla Battery, Sociologically?

What's Inside a Tesla Battery, Sociologically?

Fill it with meaning, not energy.

Valentine's Day: A Global Perspective

Valentine's Day: A Global Perspective

This week, people all around the world will make very similar consumer decisions: buying a card, ordering flowers, getting chocolate, and booking a nice restaurant. With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it seems that we are celebrating our feelings in a global village of love and romantic consumption. But is there more to the event than meets the commercial eye?

What Makes MBAs Stand Out?

What Makes MBAs Stand Out?

Today I deviate a bit from standard protocol and write about MBA teaching. That’s because I just saw a great interview featuring the Ross School’s Dean Alison Davis-Blake. She had an important message: Business schools must change their tactics for MBAs to get jobs.

My 5 Most Read Blogs in 2014

My 5 Most Read Blogs in 2014

One year ago, following a bet with the doctoral students, I started blogging about marketing and consumption topics. This was my first post. Since then, I have spent one hour every week on the subway, on the plane, or wherever else I was, writing something about market creation, brands, or consumer culture. It’s been a good first year. Currently, the blog has almost a million page views and 230,000+ visits per month.

McDonald's Marketing Misery

McDonald's Marketing Misery

Since the mid-1990s, McDonald’s has been chasing after consumer trends. That’s probably why it’s becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Re-Envisioning Marketing: One Chocolate Bar at a Time

Re-Envisioning Marketing: One Chocolate Bar at a Time

For most people, the journey into the world of marketing starts on the wrong foot: with the misleading proposition that marketing is the process of communicating value to consumers, thereby satisfying their needs and wants.